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Claude 导出工具 轻松导出 Claude 对话记录

免费将 Claude 对话记录导出为 PDF、Markdown、文本、CSV、JSON 和图片格式。

将 Claude 结果下载为 PDF。轻松将 Claude 转换为精美的 PDF。


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安装 Claude 导出工具 Chrome 扩展

精彩功能 让您的生活更轻松

将 Claude 结果下载为 PDF、Markdown...

Claude Exporter 支持多种文件格式。将您的 Claude 对话导出为多种格式,包括:PDF、Markdown、文本(TXT)、JSON、CSV、图片。

Claude Exporter feature: supports multiple formats


只下载您需要的对话部分。与其他方法不同,您无需强制下载整个聊天记录 - 只需选择您想要的特定回复!

Claude Exporter feature: export part of the conversation


设置您喜欢的文件名。定义内容标题。调整 PDF 格式,在不改变 Claude 界面的情况下选择深色或浅色模式。在长 PDF 中包含页码以便于导航。

Claude Exporter feature: customizable download file settings



Claude Exporter feature: preserves advanced outputs


❤️ 人们喜爱 Claude 导出工具

“I can't tell you how many little Python tools I built on my computer to try to do this, and not a single one of them worked as succinctly as this does. It's beautiful. I can't say enough awesome things about this solution. If you have GPT plus, this is a must and a Godsend.”

Jennifer Gibbs

“Been looking for a reliable extension to export Claude chats (exporting long conversations (design progressions etc) into markdown and then uploading those markdown files into a "fresh chat" saves your token usage and still provides the new claude instance with all the backstory in a searchable vectorized form.”

Joe Hacobian

“Hallelujah! Pulls both q and a and in organized format! Thank you!!!!!”

Jenni Calladio

“Идеально, реальная круть!.”


“So useful to export chats and continue them or add them to project knowledge.”

Bongani Mlambo


solveig gint

“Very useful! Wish I learnt of it earlier.”

Izzi Koning

“תודה לכם! זה מעולה.”

אלעד בוכריס


Pelly Koo

“Cumpre o que promete: consegue extrair o texto dos chats e isso é útil para contextualizar a conversa quando for retomar o assunto.”

Samuel Santos

“I have struggled SO much with exporting claude convos. It's bizarre that they don't facilitate this. But this plugin did a great job.”

Chris Barker

“Almost exactly what I needed. Would be nice to be able to output in pdf and other formats though. As is, it's not always able to retain formatting and linebreaks. Still the simplest way to export chat data though, very useful extension.”

Tux Tucker

“top demais!! simples e funcional!”

Giselle Ritzke

“개굿 쏘굿 베리굿”




“This extension has really enhanced my productivity. Thank you for the work.”

Rajinikanth Thangaraj

“매우 편리한 기능을 제공합니다. 감사합니다! ^^”

Gnu Lee



“Clean, professional, works great, HUGE timesaver. Well done!”

Damien Hughes

“Clean and effective. To get your entire chat history, you can CTRL+CLICK on everyy voncersation to open each conversation in a seperate, new tab. Then the extension lets you quickly export the conversations (one at a time) with minimal mouse clicks. THANK YOU FOR THE APP!!!!”

Thomas Dwyer

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什么是 Claude 导出工具?

🎯 Claude 导出工具 是一个工具,旨在将您的 Claude 对话轻松转换为美观的、可分享的文件!Claude Exporter 是将 Claude 结果下载为 PDF、Markdown、文本、JSON、CSV 或图像格式的终极工具,无论是工作、学习还是个人参考。

如何使用 Claude 导出工具?

查看 30 秒教程
1. 安装扩展程序。
2. 打开 claude.ai 上的对话。
3. 点“导出“按钮,将对话下载为 PDF 或其他您喜欢的格式。










立即安装 Claude 导出工具。

使用终极工具提升您的生产力,将 Claude 结果下载为 PDF、Markdown、文本、JSON、CSV 或图片格式。